Scholarship Application

Thank you for giving us the privilege to support you on your educational journey. We are excited you’re here!

Apply for READ scholarship

Let’s help you get started by following three simple steps:

  1. Checking your eligibility through our requirements list.

  2. Understanding the type of costs that are covered by our scholarship.

  3. Completing and submitting your scholarship application form.

Once your application has been received, it will be sent over to our team for review and we will be in touch shortly afterwards.

Step 1

Check your eligibility for the scholarship.

Check your eligibility for a READ scholarship

You can apply for a READ scholarship if any of the following is true:

Have received US asylum or submitted a US asylum application.

Are in the US under Temporary Protected Status.

Are a displaced Afghan student on Humanitarian Parole or with a Special Immigrant Visa.

Are an internally displaced person.

You can not apply for a READ scholarship if any of the following is true:

Are a US permanent resident (green card holder, citizen, etc.)

Have a household income above the 50% income level as shown in the most current HUD guidelines.

You must have already been accepted or have applied to the accredited vocational or educational program you wish to attend.

Additional notes:

There is no age restriction for applying to the scholarship.

Step 2

Understand the type of costs covered by the scholarship.

Understand cost coverage of the READ scholarship

READ offers both partial and full tuition scholarships. This includes coverage for:

Extracurricular education endeavors.


Education related expenses (i.e. books, software, office supplies).

READ scholarships can be applied towards any of the following:

Degree and non-degree programs.

Extracurricular educational activities.

Educational/professional certifications.

Step 3

Submit your application form.

Submit the READ scholarship form

You made it to the last, and most important step! By now you should have:

  • Checked whether you are eligible for a scholarship.

  • Understood what costs can be covered by the scholarship.

Click on the button below to start your application.